Paris Scala Matters Meet-up x SWAN
Our final Scala meet-up of 2023, in collaboration with SWAN, took place in Paris, France, and it exceeded our expectations with around 100 attendees.
Talk 1 - Antoine Querios, Software Engineer @ Swan
Diving into Functional Programming: A Functional Approach
Functional programming has an image as complex and esoteric, but it can in fact be made accessible and enjoyable, even for those just starting out. Learn how Swan has had success initiating newcomers to a functional tech stack, and get practical tips for breaking down its complexities into an accessible format for your own teams.
Talk 2 - Valentin Bergeron, Senior Team Lead & Raphael Lematire, Senior Staff Engineer @ Ledger
Armored type safety with Iron
In this talk, we will show you how to use constraints on types with the iron library, from the API to the DB, while not sacrificing any performance or developer experience.
Talk 3 - Adam Warski, CTO @ SoftwareMill
Building a concurrency library on top of LoomProject Loom significantly enriches our development toolbox: we get an asynchronous runtime with direct syntax, plus a set of low-level APIs for structured concurrency.Using these basic building blocks, what else might a developer do than use them to build a developer-friendly, Loom-focused concurrency library?Let’s see how this might play out. Expect a lot of code!We’ll use Scala, a flexible, functional language ideally suited to define elegant abstractions.We’ll also look at how the Loom structured concurrency approach compares to `Future`-based programming and functional effect systems in terms of safety, developer experience, “reactiveness”, type-level guarantees, and other properties.
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